AstroDon Filters Pricelist

AstroDon Filters



AstroDon Tru-Balance Filters - are the first Filters designed to match the sensitivity of the modern CCD cameras (patent pending) that simplifies all aspects of tri-colour imaging of deep-space objects for vibrant "true-colour".

CCD Camera



Tru-Balance generation2 E-Series



UPDATED 5th September 2012








Astrodon Tru-Balance2 Generation 2 LRGB Filters LRGB2-E27R LRGB2-I27R Astrodon© 1.25”dia. Tru-Balance2 Generation 2 mounted LRGB E-Series (-E27R) or I-Series (-I27R) filters, set of 4 NIR-blocked. E Series for Kodak full-frame CCDs and back-thinned CCDs. I-Series for Kodak Interline CCDs. Request unmounted if needed. $635AUD CRGB2-E27R CRGB2-I27R Astrodon© 1.25”dia. Tru-Balance2 Generation 2 mounted CRGB E-Series (-E27R) or I-Series (-I27R) filters, set of 4. RGB NIR-blocked. Clear filter with no NIR blocking and with hard A/R coating. E-Series for Kodak full-frame CCDs and back-thinned CCDs. I-Series for Kodak Interline CCDs. Request unmounted if needed. $635AUD LRGB2-E50R LRGB2-I50R Astrodon© 50 mm dia. Tru-Balance2 Generation 2 unmounted LRGB E-Series (-E27R) or I-Series (-I27R) filters, set of 4 NIR-blocked. E-Series for Kodak full-frame CCDs and back-thinned CCDs. I-Series for Kodak Interline CCDs. Request unmounted if needed. $1165AUD CRGB2-E50R CRGB2-I50R Astrodon© 50mm dia. Tru-Balance2 Generation 2 unmounted CRGB E-Series (-E27R) or I-Series (-I27R) filters, set of 4. RGB NIR-blocked. Clear filter with no NIR blocking and with hard A/R coating. E-Series for Kodak full-frame CCDs and back-thinned CCDs. I-Series for Kodak Interline CCDs. Request unmounted if needed. $1165AUD LRGB2_E50S Astrodon© 50mm square. Tru-Balance2 Generation 2 unmounted LRGB E-Series filters, set of 4 NIR-blocked for Kodak full-frame CCDs and back-thinned CCDs $1698AUD CRGB2_E50S Astrodon© 50mm square Tru-Balance2 Generation 2 unmounted LRGB E-Series filters, set of 4. RGB NIR-blocked and Clear NIR unblocked with hard A/R coating for Kodak full-frame CCDs and back-thinned CCDs $1698AUD C2_27R Astrodon© 1.25”dia. Tru-Balance2 Generation 2 mounted Clear filter. No NIR blocking, hard A/R coating. $135AUD C2_50R Astrodon© 50 mm dia. Tru-Balance2 Generation 2 mounted Clear filter. UV-blocked. No NIR blocking, hard A/R coating. $240AUD C2_50S Astrodon© 50 mm square. Tru-Balance2 Generation 2 mounted Clear filter. UV-blocked. No NIR blocking, hard A/R coating. $355AUD Astrodon High-Performance Narrowband Filters HA5_27R Astrodon 1.25” mounted H-a narrowband filter. 5 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 656.3 nm $390AUD SII5_27R Astrodon 1.25” mounted SII narrowband filter. 5 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 671.6 nm $390AUD OIII5_27R Astrodon 1.25” mounted OIII narrowband filter. 5 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 500.7 nm $390AUD RedC5_27R Astrodon 1.25” mounted Red Continuum narrowband filter. 5 nm FWHM, >90%T centered at 645 nm to subtract stars from H-a, SII emission data $390AUD HA3_27R Astrodon 1.25” mounted H-a narrowband filter. 3 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 656.3 nm $560AUD SII3_27R Astrodon 1.25” mounted SII narrowband filter. 3 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 671.6 nm $560AUD OIII3_27R Astrodon 1.25” mounted OIII narrowband filter. 3 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 500.7 nm $560AUD NII3_27R Astrodon 1.25” mounted NII narrowband filter. 3 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 658.4 nm $560AUD HA5_50R Astrodon 50 mm unmounted H-a narrowband filter. 5 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 656.3 nm $840AUD SII5_50R Astrodon 50 mm unmounted SII narrowband filter. 5 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 671.6 nm $840AUD OIII5_50R Astrodon 50 mm unmounted OIII narrowband filter. 5 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 500.7 nm $840AUD RedC5_50R Astrodon 50 mm unmounted Red Continuum narrowband filter. 5 nm FWHM, >90%T, T centered at 645 nm to subtract stars from H-a, SII emission data $840AUD HA3_50R Astrodon 50 mm unmounted H-a narrowband filter. 3 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 656.3 nm $1270AUD SII3_50R Astrodon 50 mm unmounted SII narrowband filter. 3 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 671.6 nm $1270AUD OIII5_50R Astrodon 50 mm unmounted OIII narrowband filter. 3 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 500.7 nm $1270AUD NII3_50R Astrodon 50 mm unmounted NII narrowband filter. 3 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 658.4 nm $1270AUD HA5_50S Astrodon 50 mm square un-mounted H-a narrowband filter. 5 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 656.3 nm. $985AUD SII5_50S Astrodon 50 mm square un-mounted SII narrowband filter. 5 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 671.6 nm $985AUD OIII5_50S Astrodon 50 mm square un-mounted OIII narrowband filter. 5 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 500.7 nm $985AUD HA3_50S Astrodon 50 mm square un-mounted H-a narrowband filter. 3 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 656.3 nm. $1490AUD SII3_50S Astrodon 50 mm square un-mounted SII narrowband filter. 3 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 671.6 nm $1490AUD OIII3_50S Astrodon 50 mm square un-mounted OIII narrowband filter. 3 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 500.7 nm $1490AUD NII3_50S Astrodon 50 mm square un-mounted NII narrowband filter. 3 nm FWHM, >90%T, for 658.4 nm $1490AUD Astrodon Near-Infrared (NIR) Filters NIRL123_27R Astrodon NIR imaging set of 4 mounted 1.25” filters. NIR luminance (>700nm), NIR1 (700-800nm), NIR2 (800-900nm), NIR3 (>850 nm). $710AUD NIRL123_50R Astrodon NIR imaging set of 4 unmounted 50 mm dia. filters. NIR luminance (>700nm), NIR1 (700-800nm), NIR2 (800-900nm), NIR3 (>850 nm). $1520AUD NIRL_27R Astrodon NIR Luminance 1.25” mounted filter for >700 nm $247AUD NIRL_50R Astrodon NIR Luminance 50 mm dia. Unmounted filter for >700 nm. $420AUD Astrodon UVenus Filter UVenus_27R Astrodon UVenus UV mounted 1.25” filter $198AUD UVenus_50R Astrodon UVenus UV unmounted 50 mm dia. filter (49.7 mm) $425AUD Astrodon Photometrics – Sloan Filters u’_27R Astrodon Photometrics Sloan u’ filter 320-385 nm UV mounted 1.25” filter $215AUD g’_27R Astrodon Photometrics Sloan g’ filter 401-550 nm mounted 1.25” filter $215AUD r’_27R Astrodon Photometrics Sloan r’ filter 555-695 nm mounted 1.25” filter $215AUD i’_27R Astrodon Photometrics Sloan i’ filter 690-820 nm mounted 1.25” filter $215AUD z’_27R Astrodon Photometrics Sloan z’ filter >820 nm mounted 1.25” filter $215AUD u’_50R Astrodon Photometrics Sloan u’ filter 320-385 nm UV unmounted 50 mm dia. Filter (49.7 mm) $455AUD g’_50R Astrodon Photometrics Sloan g’ filter 401-550 nm unmounted 50 mm dia. Filter (49.7 mm) $455AUD r’_50R Astrodon Photometrics Sloan r’ filter 555-695 nm unmounted 50 mm dia. Filter (49.7 mm) $455AUD i’_50R Astrodon Photometrics Sloan i’ filter 690-820 nm unmounted 50 mm dia. Filter (49.7 mm) $455AUD z’_50R Astrodon Photometrics Sloan z’ filter >820 nm unmounted 50 mm dia. Filter (49.7 mm) $455AUD u’_50S Astrodon Photometrics Sloan u’ filter 320-385 nm UV unmounted 50 mm square filter (49.7 mm) $510AUD g’_50S Astrodon Photometrics Sloan g’ filter 401-550 nm unmounted 50 mm square filter (49.7 mm) $510AUD r’_50S Astrodon Photometrics Sloan r’ filter 555-695 nm unmounted 50 mm square filter (49.7 mm) $510AUD i’_50S Astrodon Photometrics Sloan i’ filter 690-820 nm unmounted 50 mm square filter (49.7 mm) $510AUD z’_50S Astrodon Photometrics Sloan z’ filter >820 nm unmounted 50 mm square filter (49.7 mm) $510AUD Astrodon Photometrics – UVBRIc Coated Filters UV_27R Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell UV mounted 1.25” filter $215AUD B_27R Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell Bu mounted 1.25” filter $215AUD V_27R Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell V mounted 1.25” filter $215AUD R_27R Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell Rs mounted 1.25” filter $215AUD Ic_27R Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell Ic mounted 1.25” filter $215AUD UV_50R Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell UV unmounted 50 mm dia. Filter (49.7 mm) $455AUD B_50R Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell Bu unmounted 50 mm dia. Filter (49.7 mm) $455AUD V_50R Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell V unmounted 50 mm dia. Filter (49.7 mm) $455AUD R_50R Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell Rs unmounted 50 mm dia. Filter (49.7 mm) $455AUD Ic_50R Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell Ic unmounted 50 mm dia. Filter (49.7 mm) $455AUD UV_50S Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell UV unmounted 50 mm square filter (49.7 mm) $510AUD B_50S Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell Bu unmounted 50 mm square filter (49.7 mm) $510AUD V_50S Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell V unmounted 50 mm square filter (49.7 mm) $510AUD R_50S Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell Rs unmounted 50 mm square filter (49.7 mm) $510AUD Ic_50S Astrodon Photometrics Johnson/Bessell Ic unmounted 50 mm square filter (49.7 mm) $510AUD Astrodon Off-Axis Guiders and Adaptors MOAG-A Astrodon MOAG©-A for SBIG AO-L/STL with 1.25” helical focuser, 2” Male dovetail connector for STL, negative (Barlow) lens, extra prism spacers and screws, instruction manual and hex wrench set $1100AUD MOAG-ST Astrodon MOAG©-A for SBIG AO8/ST with 1.25” helical focuser, Male T-thread dovetail connector for ST, negative (Barlow) lens, extra prism spacers and screws, instruction manual and hex wrench set $1100AUD MOAG-S Astrodon MOAG© Stand Alone for general use, with 1.25” helical focuser, 2”M/F dovetail connectors, negative (Barlow) lens, extra prism spacers and screws, instruction manual and hex wrench set $1165AUD MMOAG Astrodon MonsterMOAG© ultra-thin off-axis guider with 1.25” helical focuser, large 3” I.D., M 2.7”Male and 2.7”ID-Female/3”OD-Male combination dovetail connectors, additional manual 1.25” cup for nose piece. Comes with extra prism spacers and screws, instruction manual, and hex wrench set $1165AUD MeMOAG Astrodon MegaMOAG© 4”-3”ultra-thin off-axis guider for larger telescopes having 4” tubing. Comes with 1.25” helical focuser, Male 4”-024 dovetail adaptor on telescope side and 2.7”ID-Female/3”OD-Male combination dovetail connector on camera side, additional manual 1.25” cup for nose piece. Comes with extra prism spacers and screws, instruction manual, and hex wrench set. 3” MonsterMOAG adaptors fit the camera side of the MegaMOAG $1265AUD MMOAG-3-L (Camera Side) MonsterMOAG adaptor for connection to 3” filter wheels. Dovetail-to-3” -24 Male threads ¾” long. Note- all MonsterMOAG 3” adaptors are compatible with 3” side of MegaMOAG. $150AUD MMOAG-STL-L (Camera Side) MonsterMOAG adaptor for connection to SBIG STL. Dovetail to 2”-24 Male threads, ¾” long $150AUD MMOAG-ST-L (Camera Side) MonsterMOAG adaptor for connection to SBIG ST. Dovetail to Male T-threads, ¾” long $150AUD MMOAG-STL-S (Camera Side) MonsterMOAG adaptor for connection to SBIG STL. Dovetail to 2”-24 Male threads, 0.15” long $150AUD MMOAG-ST-S (Camera Side) MonsterMOAG adaptor for connection to SBIG STL. Dovetail to 2”-24 Male threads, 0.15” long $150AUD Spacer27 0.2” thick spacer that fits over 2.7” male threads. Use between MonsterMOAG and Takahashi CAA. Use to fine-tune spacing to achieve correct backfocus for any system using 2.7” extension tubes. $38AUD MMOAG-4M (Scope side) Adaptor for connecting MonsterMOAG to 4” extension tubes. 3 “dovetail to 4”-24 male threads. 3/8” thick backfocus. $265AUD CFW-APM (Camera side) Male-to-Male 3”-to-2.7” adaptor for CFWs having 3”-24 female threads. Connect the MonsterMOAG to Yankee Robotics, Apogee and FLI CFWs, or connect AP 2.7” extension tubes $150AUD CAA-APF (Scope side and general use) Fits on the Takahashi Camera Angle Adjustor (CAA) rotator on the back Takahashi FSQ, TOA130F, TOA150. Has Female 2.7”-24 threads and accepts the MonsterMOAG or any AP 2.7” extension tube. 0.5” long $150AUD MOAG-EYE Eyepiece extension for MOAG, MonsterMOAG and MegaMOAG $40AUD LENS-250 18 mm dia plano-concave f/-250 lens for extending focus in MonsterMOAG and MegaMOAG. Shown here with MOAG screw-in lens holder (not included). $60AUD Astrodon TAKometer Remote-Controlled Camera Rotator & Adaptors TAKometer (pronounced tachometer) Remote-controlled camera rotator for Takahashi refractors having 4” focusing tubes and CAA rotator. Includes Tech. Innovations Robo-Focus, relay box, power supply and Astrodon control software. $1265AUD TAK-PKG Rotator package (3 pcs) for Takahashi refractors, specifically the FSQ-ED, with (1) 92-98 mm M/M adaptor, (2) CAA camera rotator, and (3) CAA-APF with female 2.7”-24 threads. Connect any AP 2.7” extension tube or MonsterMOAG/MOAG. $495AUD CAA-APF (Scope side and general use) Fits on the Takahashi Camera Angle Adjustor (CAA) rotator on the back of Takahashi FSQ, TOA130F, TOA150. Has Female 2.7”-24 threads and accepts the MonsterMOAG or any AP 2.7” extension tube. 0.5” long $150AUD TAK9298 92-to-98 mm M/M adaptor with 10 mm 4” O.D. flat to attach motor plate of TAKometer $150AUD CAA Takahashi camera rotator $285AUD Astrodon-Schuler Filters – To Be Discontinued After 12/31/08 (except V filter) SUVBRI_27R Astrodon-Schuler 1.25” mounted UVBRI filter set of 5 based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $535AUD SBVRI_27R Astrodon-Schuler 1.25” mounted BVRI filter set of 4 based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $425AUD SBVR_27R Astrodon-Schuler 1.25” mounted BVR filter set of 3 based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $325AUD SUVBRI_48R Astrodon-Schuler 48 mm mounted UVBRI filter set of 5 based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $905AUD SBVRI_48R Astrodon-Schuler 48 mm mounted BVRI filter set of 4 based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $798AUD SBVR_48R Astrodon-Schuler 48 mm mounted BVR filter set of 3 based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $615AUD SUVBRI_50S Astrodon-Schuler 50 mm square mounted UVBRI filter set of 5 based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $1130AUD SBVRI_50S Astrodon-Schuler 50 mm square mounted BVRI filter set of 4 based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $850AUD SUV_27R Astrodon-Schuler 1.25” mounted UV filter based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $130AUD SBu_27R Astrodon-Schuler 1.25” mounted Bu filter based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $130AUD SV_27R Astrodon-Schuler 1.25” mounted V filter based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $115AUD SRs_27R Astrodon-Schuler 1.25” mounted Rs filter based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $115AUD SIs_27R Astrodon-Schuler 1.25” mounted Is filter based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $115AUD SIc_27R Astrodon-Schuler 1.25” mounted Ic filter based upon Bessell/ Johnson-Cousins design, but additionally having a hard coating for a 905 nm cutoff $255AUD SUV_48R Astrodon-Schuler 48 mm mounted UV filter based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $255AUD SBu_48R Astrodon-Schuler 48 mm mounted Bu filter based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $255AUD SV_48R Astrodon-Schuler 1.25” mounted V filter based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $198AUD SRs_48R Astrodon-Schuler 48 mm mounted Rs filter based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $198AUD SIs_48R Astrodon-Schuler 1.25” mounted Is filter based upon Bessell/Johnson-Cousins. $198AUD




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